Saturday, 19 December 2015

An Evening of Entertainment Tuam December 1915

The Connacht Tribune 1 January 1916

Despite the fact that membership in the Irish Volunteers was severely depleted and they had to train almost in secret in Tuam following the split in the force, the support for nationalism was still evident in Tuam (Langley WS805).  Local organisers, including Liam Langley, ran events under different guises.  One such event is recorded in the Connacht Tribune on 1st January 1916.  They report that an 'entertainment' event was held in the Town Hall under the 'auspices of the Tuam Sports Committee' on 19th December 1915.  Irish dancing, recitation, a short drama, and musical performances were all on the programme for the the evening.The local Stockwell sisters were active in performing that evening.  There were a number of performers  from Athenry who had obviously come to support the 'Irish Ireland' cause in Tuam.  Liam, showing his cultural interest in Ireland, had a part in the short drama and recited a poem 'Brian Boy McGee' by Ethna Carbery.  

To the right is the full newspaper account of the evening's entertainment

The Connacht Tribune Front Page
1 January 1916

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Setting up The Irish Volunteers Tuam Feb 1914

Notice sent by Liam Langley inviting people to a meeting to discuss setting up the Irish Volunteers in Tuam 1st February 1914.  The Irish version of Liam's name, U (Uilliam) T. O' Laonglach was used on this notice.

Liam Langley often wrote up extracts of interest relating to the progress of the Fianna and the Irish Volunteers in north County Galway from various publications.

The following is an extract from 'The Irish Volunteer'  of  21 February 1914.  An account of the above meeting is recorded in this extract.

At a Volunteer meeting held on Sunday, 8th February 1914, the following were present: Messrs Butler, Stafford, O’Malley, Nolan, and Walsh, representing the A.O.H., Messrs Burke, Stockwell and Fahy, representing the I.N.F.;  Messrs Hare, Browne and Creedon, the G.A.A.;  Mr T. Sloyan, The U.I.L., and Messrs P. Daly and W. Langley, Na Fianna Eireann; Dr. T. B. Costello, Messrs McHugh, Donnellan, Cannon, Mullins, Roche, Kennedy, Forde & co.

Dr Costello presided and explained the business of the meeting.

Mr. Sloyan, the Secretary of the North Galway U.I.L. said that the League would back the movement to a man, and he added that he was sure the same spirit was abroad in Ireland today as that which fought in Clontarf, at the Yellow Ford and on the field of Fontenoy and which started the Volunteer movement in 1782, and he urged them to go ahead in Tuam and fall in with their rest of their countrymen.

A committee was then formed to start the Volunteers in Tuam on a firm basis. (Vol. 1; No. 3; 21 February 1914)

A.O.H Ancient Order of Hibernians
I.N.F. Irish National Foresters
G.A.A. Gaelic Athletic Association
U.I.L. United Irish League

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Irish Volunteers Training Camp An Coosan, Athlone 1915

To give themselves practice in simulated fighting conditions, the Volunteers regularly held manoeuvres.  To this end in September 1915 Liam attended a three week training camp which  was held at Coosan, Athlone.  Here intense training was undertaken by participants.  

'The first week was devoted to simple drill movements and  tactical exercises, scouting expeditions as well as communications and signalling.  The second week was spent on strenuous marches and much more vigorous drills and exercises. The Volunteers marched to the vicinity of Galway City where exercises were staged with the local Volunteers. On route there was even some real life drama.  One day after a tenant gave the Volunteers permission to pitch camp, his landlord ordered them off the site.  They refused to move and serious sentry duty was required that night to ensure their safety' (Gialanella Valiulis 1992 p.10). 

BMH Statement WSO563 Michael Cremen
Portrait of a Revolutionary: General Richard Mulcahy and the Founding of the Irish Free State
 By Maryann Gialanella Valiulis 1992


L to R: William Mullins, Richard Mulcahy Sean Lester, Unknown, Donal Barrett, Terence McSwiney, John Griffin, Pierce McCann, Liam T Langley, Austin Stack.
Reprinted from: Maire MacSwiney Brugha, History’s Daughter, A Memoir from the only child of Terence MacSwiney, P.280.

Bottom two photographs An Cosantoir, The Irish Defence Journal, February 1989

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Tuam Stars GAA Club and the Irish Volunteers March 1914

Tuam Stars Gaelic Football Team
Liam Langley standing left in suit and hat.
In the absence of photocopiers and scanners Liam often typed up items and articles that interested him.  He typed up many extracts from the 'Irish Volunteer' relating to the progress of the Fianna and the Irish Volunteers in North County Galway.

Extract from the ‘Irish Volunteers’  Vol.1, No. 8 March 28 1914

Tuam Football Club Enrolls

A meeting of the above club was held in the Town Hall on Friday March 13th.  In the absence of the President, Mr. P.M. Ryan, the chair was taken by Mr. Denis Creedon, V/P. Also present:  Messrs. F.Fore, M.Naughton, Tom Nipton, Tom Commins, E. O’Connor, T. Ryan, Frank Farrell, James Burke and W. Cannon, Hon. Sec.

The following resolution was passed on the motion of the Secretary seconded by the Chairman:-
“That as the National Volunteer movement in its contribution and aims merits the support of every member of the G.A.A., it is henceforth made a rule that every member of the Tuam Star Football Club shall become a member of the Tuam Volunteer Corps, attend its drills and bear arms in pursuance of its objects”.

After some discussion it was decided to hold the next meeting in the Town Hall on Friday evening at one o’clock.

Na Fianna Éireann Football Match

Na Fianna Éireann Tuam
going to a match
Photo from Tuam Stars: 
Thomas Nohilly (WS1437) in his witness statement recounts the journey from a Fianna Éireann match, perhaps this is the team on the cart above!

'We travelled about a good deal to football matches and concerts, and on those journeys we were always followed by two members of the R.I.C. on bicycles.  On one occasion, after a football match in Dunmore, we were returning to Tuam by brake, accompanied as usual by two R.I.C. on bicycles.  One of the two hung on to the brake as he cycled along, to hear what was being talked about, but one of our number carrying the tricolour hit him with the flagstaff until he was forced to let go of his hold.' 

Friday, 4 December 2015

Na Fianna Éireann Ard Fheiseanna

Na Fianna Eireann Ard Fheis July 1913
Liam Langley standing 3rd to left of Countess Markievicz
Behind Sean Heuston

Close up of Fianna Ard Fheis 1913
Liam Langley 2nd row with girls hands 
on his shoulders standing behind 
Sean Heuston

Na Fianna Eireann Ard Fheis
July 1915 Mansion House Dublin
Laim Langley second row seated fourth
from left arms folded

Ard Fheis 1915
Left to right Barney Mellows, Gary Holohan
Sean Heuston, Liam Langley

Ard Fheis 1919
Liam Langley middle row standing 2nd from rigtht

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Activities of Tuam Company, Tuam Battalion, Irish Volunteers, Co. Galway, 1914-1916

Liam Langley was a central figure in the preparation leading up to and the maneuvers in Tuam during Easter Week 1916.  An account of their activities is given in the Witness Statement 1437 of Thomas Nohilly,  Company Captain. Battalion Adjutant.

My first association with the national movement was in the year 19l14 when I joined Fianna Eireann in Tuam. Liam Mellows was the first organiser of the Fianna in Tuam, and when he had complete the organising work, Liam Langley, afterwards head of the Fianna in Dublin, took charge. Our strength was about thirty-five, and the majority were apprentices serving their time as shop assistants in various business houses in the town. We did our training about a mile outside the town, near the village of Cluainthoo, in a field owned by William Concannon who charged us no rent. Our training was under the supervision of Liam Langley, and consisted of some foot drill and arms drill with .22 rifles. We also had target practice once a week with the .22 rifles. We organised football matches and sports meetings. At one of our sports meetings in Tuam, I remember that special trains were run from Galway City, Gort and Claremorris. I remember that, on this occasion, Larry Lardner from Athenry afterwards one of the leaders of the County Galway Volunteers during Easter Week 1916 was handicapper. We had a revolver as one of the prizes.

Meetings of the I.R.B. were held in Connolly's forge in High Street. I cannot remember anything of the meetings except that Liam Langley presided at them. As far as I know, he was head centre for the whole North Galway area. Other members of the I.R.B. I remember from that time were Thomas Kilgarriff, afterwards Brigade I.0., North Galway brigade, Con Kennedy of Dunmore and John Costello of Killower, and two brothers named Connolly who owned the forge where the meetings were held.