Saturday, 12 December 2015

Irish Volunteers Training Camp An Coosan, Athlone 1915

To give themselves practice in simulated fighting conditions, the Volunteers regularly held manoeuvres.  To this end in September 1915 Liam attended a three week training camp which  was held at Coosan, Athlone.  Here intense training was undertaken by participants.  

'The first week was devoted to simple drill movements and  tactical exercises, scouting expeditions as well as communications and signalling.  The second week was spent on strenuous marches and much more vigorous drills and exercises. The Volunteers marched to the vicinity of Galway City where exercises were staged with the local Volunteers. On route there was even some real life drama.  One day after a tenant gave the Volunteers permission to pitch camp, his landlord ordered them off the site.  They refused to move and serious sentry duty was required that night to ensure their safety' (Gialanella Valiulis 1992 p.10). 

BMH Statement WSO563 Michael Cremen
Portrait of a Revolutionary: General Richard Mulcahy and the Founding of the Irish Free State
 By Maryann Gialanella Valiulis 1992


L to R: William Mullins, Richard Mulcahy Sean Lester, Unknown, Donal Barrett, Terence McSwiney, John Griffin, Pierce McCann, Liam T Langley, Austin Stack.
Reprinted from: Maire MacSwiney Brugha, History’s Daughter, A Memoir from the only child of Terence MacSwiney, P.280.

Bottom two photographs An Cosantoir, The Irish Defence Journal, February 1989