Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Account Na Fianna Sluagh Tuam in The Irish Volunteer Newspaper Feb 1914

The Irish Volunteer First Edition 7 Feb 1914 Page 12
Account of Fianna Éireann John McHale Sluagh Tuam

On 7 February 1914 The Irish Volunteer movement launched its official newspaper titled The Irish Volunteer. The Irish Volunteer was a weekly newspaper mainly aimed at the membership of the Irish Volunteer organisation.  Along with providing news and political commentary, it had an important official function in disseminating official orders and announcements.  Developments of Na Fianna are given on page 12 of the first issue.

Liam Langley was a founder member and organiser of the Tuam Fianna Sluagh. The Tuam Sluagh was one of the first to be set up outside Dublin,, it was set up in 1911.  A report on the Sluagh written by Liam appeared in the newspaper of 7 Feb 1914:

The Irish Volunteer 7 Feb 1914
'The Tuam Fianna, called after JohnMcHale, are also making good progress.  A big sports, comprising 16 events, including the 100 yeads championship of Connacht, were brought off last October and proved a great success.  The sports for the year are now being organised, it being intended to hold them earlier in the year, probably during May.  A dramatic class is a great feature of this Sluagh, 'The Eloquent Dempsey' being the last piece staged.'

In his papers Liam Langley adds that 'An Examination Board consisting of Captain Padraic O'Riain, Lieutenant Sean MacAodha, Lieutenant A. De Faoite and the organiser (Liam Mellows) have been appointed to examine the boys throughout Irealnd in the Fianna Tests in order to secure uniformity.'

The full first edition of the newspaper can be accessed here.