Wednesday, 3 February 2016

John Redmond and the Irish Volunteers Tuam

In September 1914 after John Redmond calls on the Irish Volunteers to join the British army, the movement splits with those following Redmond becoming the National Volunteers.  The Irish Volunteers in Tuam were under tremendous as support for Remond's volunteers gathered across the country.  Resistance in Tuam however remained strong with meetings being organised to encourage members to resist enlisting.  Major John McBride was one speaker who came to address the Tuam volunteers in November 1914 in this regard.  In collaboration with Bulmar Hobson Liam Langley organised this address (recorded memoirs Liam Langley).   Michael J Ryan, (WS 1320, Captain Bernaderg Company, Tuam Battalion, Irish Volunteers 1916) recalls a meeting held in the town hall in relation to this matter, this is more than lightly the same meeting which was addressed by McBride:

' I remember the Home Rule Bill being shelved and John Redmond asking the Volunteers to fight for Ireland in France. I remember a meeting of the Tuam Company being held in the Town Hall, Tuam, sometime in 1915 (
more than lightly late 1914). The company was paraded and addressed by, I think, Martin Joseph Walsh, who put the Redmondite point of view to them. Liam Langley, afterwards 0/C of a Fianna battalion in Dublin, and William Cannon addressed the company and put the anti-Redmondite point of view before them. I remember the division of the company very well, those in favour of Redmond going to one side of the hall and those against going to the other side. I can remember that very few of the company went to the Redmond side. The majority went to the anti-Redmond side after Langley's and Cannon's address. Of those who opted for the Redmond side, very few actually joined the British Army.

Article from Irish Volunteer Dec 1914


On another occasion two members of the Irish Parliamentary Party were sent to Tuam to try their luck with convincing the local volunteers to enlist, but they too were met with resistance (see article right).  Liam Langley also recalls their visit in his recorded memoirs.  Major McBride was again in town meeting with Langley the night the two MP's were in town.  Langley and McBride were in Guys hotel when they came across the two MPs, Hazleton was representative for North Galway, while Lundon was representative for Limerick.  The  account in the Irish Volunteer newspaper December 1914 suggests the two men returned to Dublin with no success in changing the minds of the Tuam Volunteers.

In December 1914 Mr.John Redmond, Irish Parliamentary Party leader, arrived in Tuam, he addressed a meeting in the town in which he said that the response of Irish nationalists had been gallant and that any suggestion of a refusal to enlist was ‘shameful and dishonest.’ Redmond's address brought about the desired result in the town and recruitment to the National Volunteers started in earnest. 

Michael J. Ryan (above) also recalls this meeting: 

' I remember that John Redmond came to Tuam in 1915 (should be Dec 1914) and addressed a very big parade of Irish Volunteers who assembled there from all parts of County Galway. He spoke from one of the windows of Guy's. Hotel. I remember distinctly that the Tuam Company of the Volunteers did not take part in the parade. I think that the meeting was a recruiting meeting for the British Army rather than a national political meeting.'

Liam Langley in his witness statement elaborates on the aftermath of 'the split' in the Volunteer movement in Tuam:

'At that time things had begun to go badly with the Irish Ireland Movement in Tuam as elsewhere in the county. After a very successful three years during which were established troops of Fianna Éireann, Circles of I.R.B. and a Corps of Irish Volunteers, an opposition element began to show itself. Encouraged by a recruiting campaign launched by the Irish Parliamentary Party on behalf of the British Army, enemies emerged from everywhere. Pastors, parents, merchants and employers were approached and pressed to withdraw support from the national organisations. Cases were reported where they went even further, a Fianna uniform, the property of the organisation, having been burnt to ashes by the employer of the Fianna boy concerned. They partly succeeded in breaking up the local branch of the Gaelic League when the Secretary was wrongfully impeached with leading a protest demonstration during a visit of representatives of the British Lady Lieutenant Aberdeen on a lecture tour connected with the W.N.H.A. 2.

Further instances could be given of open hostility to everyone with Irish Ireland sympathies. What was once a stronghold of the Independence Movement was rapidly becoming a pro-British garrison town. Great Southern railway officials were warned and ordered to leave the Irish Volunteers or else - . Open parades of the bodies could not be held and we were compelled to use the machinery provided by the I.R.B. to run the organisations'  (Witness Statement WS0816 BMH)

Monday, 1 February 2016

Reports from Irish Volunteer regarding progress of Irish Volunteers in Tuam

The following reports were written by Liam Langley and published in the Irish Volunteer paper. 

(See I.V. 7 March 1914 Tuam meeting 350 recruits for I.V. See letter from Colonel Moore not included)

Extracts from the ‘Irish Volunteer’ ? March 1914  
On Sunday week, the Tuam Company, Irish Volunteers assembled for Drill at Sloyan’s yard, when it was seen that the ranks were much augmented by new recruits under Mr Phillips (who in future is to rank as Captain) and his staff of instructors: Messrs Kennedy, O’Shaughnessy and O’Flanagan.  The men were put through an hour’s drilling.  They were handled in squads of 24 each and kept going without intermission for the full hour.  The men entered seriously into the spirit of the work and their earnestness augurs well for the future of the movement in Tuam.  Let us hope for a daily increasing growth in the discipline and morale of the Tuam Corps, as it will take yet a little time to nail the assumption that this is but a transitory movement and will not endure.  Passing events justify its existence more and more, and those at the head of affairs here in Tuam were determined to try and bring the local corps to battalion strength and in a position to vie with the strongest centres elsewhere.

After drill the Volunteers marched in regimental formation to the Town Hall, where a meeting was held for the purpose of appointing a committee to manage the affairs of the corps.  Here the same spirit was again evident and much useful preliminary business was dealt with.  The following committee was appointed:- Doctor T.B. Costello, President; James Daly, T.C. Treasurer; W.T. Langley, Hon. Secretary; Committee:- Messrs John Burke, T.C., Wm Stockwell; Sam Browne, Denis Creedon, Tomas MacAodh, James Gordon, D.J. Butler, Padraigh O’Dalaigh, James Roche, Wm. Cannon.  Captain Phillips, Messrs. Michael Kennedy, Stephen O’Shaughnessy and Dan. Flanagan were appointed ex.-officio members of the committee.

The president addressed the members as did Captain Phillips and each was listened to with rapt attention.

Dr. Costello emphasised the necessity for individual effort by each member in maintaining the dignity, efficiency and thorough discipline of the corps.  The members must bear in mind that there is no personal gain to be made by any of them; there was no land to be given away or documents of any kind to be offered.  The Volunteer movement was based on the principal of pure patriotism, and instead of seeking gain of any kind members must be prepared to suffer for their country.
The enclosure of Parkmore, which has been kindly lent by the Race Company will, in future, be the rendezvous of the Volunteers.

Vol. 1 No. 28 March 28 1914
The Tuam Company, Irish Volunteers enjoyed a brisk hour’s drilling on Sunday the 15th inst. under Capt Phillips.  The new rendezvous, Parkmore enclosure, although somewhat sloppy under foot, is a vast improvement on the old place of drill, which was too small.  The weather on Sunday was somewhat favourable, yet there was a good muster of 70 men.  A U.I.L. meeting in the Town Hall detained a many members who would have otherwise considerably swelled the ranks.  As it was, those present had an invigorating time of it and made marked advance in proficiency.  The instructor was highly pleased while the men expressed themselves delighted with what was to them a pleasing and beneficial form of exercise.  Of course perfection is far from being achieved so far; indeed it will take some months before Tuam Corps approaches anything like the precision, bearing and perfect mobility of regulars; but then it should be realised that the fully trained soldier in any army must undergo a rigorous daily course of drill from 4 to 6 months duration before he is allowed to pass into the regimental unit.  From next week onward the Tuam Corps will be divided into sections so, as to facilitate a more rapid advance in drill efficiency.  Each section will be placed under the care of competent instructors and care will be taken that each section, as it perfects itself will be kept together and trained to the fullest extent.  New arrivals will be kept in separate squads until efficient enough to fall into the regular body.  Now that the evenings are lengthening certain weekdays will be apportioned to each section for drill, with full parades every Sunday and frequent route marches at intervals.  The pattern of rifle for general use throughout the country is not yet decided on by the Provisional Executive, but the moment it is chosen the matter of arming the men will b at once gone with.

(Vol. 1 No 9 Sat 14  April 1914 See Letter from P.J. O’Flanagan)

(Vol 1 No 10. April 1914 ‘Report from Tuam &C. held over).

Vol 1. No. 11 April 18 1914 Report as follows:-
Drill took place as usual at Parkmore on Sunday under Commander Phillips and instructors O’Shaughnessy and Kennedy.  The full Company turned out and a very pleasurable hour was enjoyed.  The Company marched to the Town Hall, where a discussion on ways and means took place, along with the necessary taking in of a little money.  It is pleasing to record the passing of each week leaves stronger confirmation of the fact that the Tuam Company has come to stay.  It is only now that the spirit of fellowship is becoming evident and earnest among the men, each of whom vies with the other in professions of loyalty to the aims and objects of the Irish Volunteers.
Company orders as usual for Sunday next, viz. muster at 12.30pm and fall-in at one o’clock at Parkmore.

A meeting of the Volunteer Committee was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Dr. T.B. Costello in the chair.  It was decided to take part in the tercentenary celebrations of the Battle of Clontarf at Dublin, and that haversacks be provided in the meantime, the question of full uniform be deferred until instructions be had from the Provisional Committee.

Liam Langley